CEMS MDCC 2022 Annual Report, front page


The Copernicus Emergency Management Service (CEMS) Meteorological Data Collection Centre (MDCCcollects, quality-controls and post-processes in situ and ground-based remote sensed meteorological data to provide input data tailored to the needs of the CEMS EFAS (European Flood Awareness System), EFFIS (European Forest Fire Information System), EDO and GDO (European and Global Drought Observatory).

In 2022, the CEMS MDCC welcomed the contributions of 4 new data providers: Météo-France; Service public de Wallonie (Belgium); Flanders Environment Agency (Belgium); Danish Meteorological Institute (Denmark & Greenland).

In 2022, CEMS MDCC collected real-time data for 11 parameters from 35 data providers.  CEMS MDCC included more than 54,500 stations, of which around 22,000 stations delivered real-time data. On average, 9,000,000 records were added to the database each day. The other stations provided real-time data in previous times or only historical data. 

This report contains an analysis of the activities of the CEMS MDCC for the year 2022 in terms of:

  • data collection and data base management;

  • data quality checks;

  • data post-processing: delivery or gridded dataset, computation of Standard Precipitation Index (SPI) and Heat and Cold Wave Index (HCWI);

  • analysis of gaps in the data collection;

  • ongoing and future developments, e.g. further improvements to the operational data validation framework.


The CEMS EFAS team, and particularly CEMS MDCC, would like to thank the EFAS Partners and Data Providers that contributed to the CEMS meteorological data collection. We would like to acknowledge their dedication to the EFAS project, their commitment and the sharing of their meteorological data. We thank them for their cooperation with CEMS MDCC, both in the provision of data and for their proactive role in responding to the questions and solving issues. Without their collaboration, the delivery of this service would not be possible.

Information on how to contribute to the CEMS MDCC database are available here: https://www.efas.eu/en/share-your-data-efas


